Bruce Drago Horse product Reviews

Bruce Drago Product review **** stars
Conditioners:(I use conditioners only on mane and tail, not body)
Mane N Tail Conditioner… an oldie but a goodie. Don’t bother with any other brand of horse conditioner, this is probably the most effective, clean (not greasy) formula out there.
Guess I’m showing my age here, but I remember when this was ONLY used for horses and secretly by horse people for their own personal hair. LOL! Now it’s been at Wal-mart in the human hair care area for over a decade!
Quick Conditioner 1… another favorite of mine as it is NON GREASY, goes on smoothly (not the spray type). The problem with both of these conditioners is that the packaging does not allow you to get the very last drop – both *blooop* out their containers so getting an amount is a hit and guess.
Cholesteral (human conditioner)… most effective conditioning product I have ever used for dried out, brittle, mane and tails. Extremely effective and CHEAP! Find it in the human hair care section of Wal-Mart (where the African American products are) or your beauty salon supply store.
A little how-to on how humans use it – you could use a warm (not hot) towel on your horses’s saran wrapped tail too!
Coconut oil… love how it conditions the tail and it’s especially good if the tail bone is shedding a lot of dandruff and is extremely dry. However, it will leave a greasy residue so when washing out use a bit of soap to remove it all. Works best if warmed up first (but not to scalding hot temp). Just my preference but I like Coconut oil better then Olive Oil though you could use the later the same way.
Bruce Drago Horse ranch